
Running Tests

Thanks for your interest in contributing to aiohttp_admin, there are multiple ways and places you can contribute.

Fist of all just clone repository:

$ git clone

Install docker using instruction from the official site, for OSX we use docker-machine.

Create virtualenv with python3.5 (older version are not supported). For example using virtualenvwrapper commands could look like:

$ cd aiohttp_admin
$ mkvirtualenv --python=`which python3.5` aiohttp_admin

After that please install libraries required for development:

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Congratulations, you are ready to run the test suite:

$ py.test --dp -s -v ./tests

Under the hood python docker client pulls images for PostgreSQL, MySQL and Mongodb. Fixtures start databases and insert testing data. You do not have to install any database at all.

Next time –dp (docker pull) flag could be dropped since all required images are cached on local machine. To make sure you have required images please execute:

$ docker images

Among results you should find something like:

postgres  9.5  247a11721cbd  2 weeks ago  265.9 MB
mysql     5.7  63a92d0c131d  8 weeks ago  374.1 MB
mongo     2.6  150dd5b5bd1b  9 weeks ago  390.9 MB

For OSX users one extra step is required, before running tests, please init environment variables:

$ eval $(docker-machine env default)
$ export DOCKER_MACHINE_IP=$(docker-machine ip)

Reporting an Issue

If you have found issue with aiohttp-admin please do not hesitate to file an issue on the GitHub project. When filing your issue please make sure you can express the issue with a reproducible test case.

When reporting an issue we also need as much information about your environment that you can include. We never know what information will be pertinent when trying narrow down the issue. Please include at least the following information:

  • Version of aiohttp-admin and python.
  • Version of database.
  • Platform you’re running on (OS X, Linux, Windows).